Wilder Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Wilder 2030


Our Strategy for a Wilder Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Our future has to be wilder.

This is our response to the nature emergency.
We will need your help to deliver it.

I want to help

Wilder landscape illustration - hills

Our vision

In the next ten years we must create a much wilder Hampshire and Isle of Wight.

We want nature’s recovery to be at the forefront of tackling the climate crisis.

We want broken ecosystems to be restored and missing wildlife to return.

We want people to benefit from a healthy natural environment.

We’ve lost so much already

You might remember that the state of nature was different when you were growing up, but subtle changes easily go unnoticed. Subsequent generations have unknowingly accepted this creeping impoverishment. Wildlife is in freefall and yet, for many, the present paucity of nature is seen as normal.

This is not normal.

I want to help

wilder landscape - underwater1

Why now?

2020 is a critical year. Decisions and actions taken in the next ten years will affect the next thousand years. By 2030 we must see nature recovering, wildlife returning and ecosystems restored. 

If we delay, the damage will be irreversible. 

wilder landscape illustration - underwater2

Why me?

These may be big global issues, but your voice matters and local action counts. 

Together our local actions form part of the collective national and global effort for a better, wilder future.

We can be the people that fix this.


Our work will focus on achieving our connected goals:

- more people on nature’s side
- more space for wildlife to thrive
- reduced pressure on the environment

Through our two key programmes: 
Team Wilder and Wilder Land & Sea

Team Wilder

We recognise that, in order to tip the balance, we need many more people on nature’s side. Without this we cannot hope to put nature into recovery. 

I will help to deliver the plan

Wilder urban landscape
More people on nature’s side

Team Wilder

We want to see 1 in 4 people connecting with wildlife and taking action for nature’s recovery.

This is vital if we are to create more space for wildlife to thrive and reduce wider pressures on the environment.

View the Team Wilder programme


Wilder Land & Sea

Space for wildlife on our land and in our seas is being constantly squeezed: Built over, bruised, bashed, and beaten. We need to stop abusing it with chemicals and pollution. We have to give nature space and time to breathe and recover.

I will help to deliver the plan

Wilder farming landscape

Wilder Land & Sea

We need at least a third of land and sea to be wilder and where wildlife is recovering.

We need the pressure on nature reduced everywhere else.

We want to see nature recovering, ecosystems restored and wildlife returning.

View the Wilder Land and Sea programme

Read Wilder 2030

Creating a wilder Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Download the Strategy

Read Debbie Tann’s, CEO of Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, full speech from the Wilder Conference here.


Now we need your help to bring it to life and make our vision of a wilder, wonderful future a reality.
We are looking for pioneers and partners.

If you want to talk to us about making your life, your home or your community wilder, get in touch.

If you think your workplace or business could do things differently, we can help.

If you have an idea, we’d love to hear it.

If you can give time, money, space or skills, please do.


Wilder Hampshire & Isle of Wight discussion paper, Autumn 2018
Our journey

Creating Wilder 2030

Our strategy has been informed by the conversations, ideas and evidence we have gathered over the past year.  

It has been shaped by the thousands of people who have told us they are worried about the state of our seas and rivers, plummeting wildlife numbers and the threat of climate breakdown, and those that want to do something about it.

Thanks you to everyone who has fed into our plan.

Download a copy of the document that helped shape Wilder 2030

Latest on our #WilderFuture campaign